This was beautiful, Joy. Thank you for sharing. This hit home.

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Thank You Joy for sharing this with us all!!!

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Jul 24Liked by Jeff Scott

It’s true! You can lose your marbles in a good way. Teaching kindergarten taught me that on an almost daily basis. :D

Joy, you write beautifully. It never fails to amaze me how we can find such love, acceptance and companionship amongst strangers. It truly is a gift from God. Thank you for sharing.

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She was so excited to share the story!

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Jul 24Liked by Jeff Scott

Joy!?!? Girl can WRITE!! That was gorgeous. Stunning. Jeff, thanks for lifting her voice. Now, look up “Gate A-4”—one of my favorite poems that this work reminds me of.

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Yeah, she’s pretty great!

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A beautifully simple example of non-accusatory loving acceptance and collaboration toward better understanding. Would that the world could figure that out!

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